Episode Guide
Click on any icon to find Jew Talkin' To Me?
Friday 26th July 2024
Episode 13: With Andy Nyman
The one with the rabbinical intervention and all the recipes!
Friday 16nd February 2024
Episode 12: With Dan Patterson
The one with the summer camps and little red socks!
Friday 2nd February 2024
Episode 11: With Mike Sheer
The one with the Jewish stripes and roadside bar mitzvah!
Friday 21st July 2023
Episode 8: With Russ Kane
The one with the bacon quiche and the man whose ambivalent about chicken soup!
Friday 14th July 2023
Episode 7: With Mark Schiff
The one with the call-back king and the perfect hummus!
Friday 7th July 2023
Episode 6: With Kim Ismay
The one with the Yiddish and the questionable chicken soup!
Friday 16th June 2023
Episode 3:
LIVE from the London Podcast Festival with Helen Zaltzman
The one with the secret burial and the recipe for Kitke!
Friday 7th October 2022
Episode 2:
LIVE from the Edinburgh Fringe with Ian Stone
The one with the mistaken identity and the hungry guest!
Friday 30th September 2022
Episode 1:
LIVE from the Edinburgh Fringe with Reuben Kaye
The one with the dill and the camp romance!
Friday 10th June 2022
Episode 10: With Leah Forster & Daniel Lobell
The one with the pass-agg Klezmer band and Billy Crystal's brother!
Friday 27th May 2022
Episode 9: With Judy Gold & Avi Liberman
The one where everything was ungepotchke!
Friday 20th May 2022
Episode 8: With Daphna Baram & Michael Capozzola
The one with the recipes and all the coincidences!
Friday 13th May 2022
Episode 7: With Marcus Freed & Howard Reichman
The one with the hairy kasha varnishkes and Rabbis Behaving Badly!
Friday 6th May 2022
Episode 6: With Florence Schechter & Tim Samuels
The one with the hernia and the real history of hamantaschen!
Friday 29th April 2022
Episode 5: With Joshua Seigal & Francesca Segal
The one with the competitive GOAT and the rogue squirrel!
Thursday 21st April 2022
Our poor Rachel Creeger has succumbed to Covid19 so unfortunately this week's episode is postponed to next week, as well as our usual Patreon vid and The Portion Portion. She can't speak which has left Philip Simon free to shout bagel with no fear of reprisal - how very Passover 2022!
Friday 15th April 2022
Episode 4: With Denise Phillips & Raymond Simonson
The one with the elaborate challah and the box of matzah!
Friday 8th April 2022
Episode 3: With Rose Johnson & Carey Marx
The one with the perfect chicken soup and the bar mitzvah video!
Friday 1st April 2022
Episode 2: With Gidon Lev & Julie Gray
The one with the lovebirds and real matzah balls!
Friday 25th March 2022
Episode 1: With Daniel Handler aka Lemony Snicket
The one with the dumplings and the Nickolodeon purse!
Thursday 17th March 2022
Here's a bit of Purim joy before we launch series 4 next week!
Friday 25th June 2021
Episode 10: With YidLife Crisis (Jamie Elman & Eli Batalion)
The one with the double act and the series finale!
Friday 18th June 2021
Episode 9: With Hilary Freeman & Alastair Falk
The one with the close family and the house boat tank gauge terror!
Friday 11th June 2021
Episode 8: With Mark Maier & Rachel Berger
The one with the late Jews and the unusual operation!
Friday 4th June 2021
Episode 7: With Hugo Rifkind & Luciana Berger
The one with the chicken eggs and the late night bourekas!
Friday 28th May 2021
Episode 6: With Josh Howie & Noam Shuster
The one with the sudoku and the big pot of rice!
Friday 21st May 2021
Episode 5: With Steve Best & Naomi Paxton
The one with the twin and the marmite soldiers!
Friday 7th May 2021
Episode 4: With Graham Gouldman and Meryl O'Rourke
The one with the major key, the minor key and the bent key!
Friday 30th April 2021
Episode 3: With Kerry Shale and Rachel Mars
The one with the tongue and Stanley Kubrick!
Friday 23rd April 2021
Episode 2: With Gareth Berliner and Benjamin Cohen
The one with the surprising salt beef and the many Benjamins!
Friday 16th April 2021
Episode 1: With Marks & Gran
The one with the TV schedule and the unfortunate chow mein!
Friday 9th April 2021
Trailer: Welcome to Series 3 of Jew Talkin' To Me?
The phenomenon that became a global sensation - who would have thought that the world would fall in love with a series about real Jews? S1 & 2 surprised everyone and you won't believe what's coming in Series 3...
Sunday 28th February 2021
Bonus Purim Episode: If laughter is the best medicine, why do we need chicken soup?
A collection of favourite Jewish jokes from some of our guests
Friday 1st January 2021
Bonus Episode: Live from Limmud Festival 2021
With Adam Wagner & Rabbi Abbie Stein
The one with the shoe thief and the unusual celebration!
Friday 18th December 2020
Episode 10: With Jason Solomons & Jane Green
The one with the football trauma and the dry bris!
Friday 11th December 2020
Episode 9: With Andrea Hubert & Howard Cohen
The one with the topless hummus and the spare guacamole!
Friday 4th December 2020
Episode 8: With Isy Suttie & Bennett Arron
The one with the fish and the Bar Mitzvah!
Friday 27th November 2020
Episode 7: With Toby Friedner & Rabbi Debbie Young Somers
The one with the Xmas tree and the best way to make chulent!
Friday 20th November 2020
Episode 6: With Adam Bloom & Dave Cohen
The one with the vegetarian and the chopped liver!
Friday 13th November 2020
Episode 5: With Matt Kirshen & Lucie Pohl
The one with the parsley and the inventor of the cupboard!
Friday 6th November 2020
Episode 4: With Steve Jameson & Al Lubel
The one with the crackling, the pickles and Phil Spiderman!
Friday 30th October 2020
Episode 3: With Vivien Goldman & Toby Mott
The one with the schvitz and the theory of relativity!
Friday 23rd October 2020
Episode 2: With Jess Robinson & Simon Lipkin
The one with Jools the Jazz Man and cher-chuck-en!
Friday 16th October 2020
Episode 1: With Boyd Hilton & Valerie Landsburg
The one with the binbag spacesuit and the celebrity broygus!
Monday 12th October 2020
Trailer: Welcome to Series 2 of Jew Talkin' To Me?
An introduction to this new and exciting series with just a hint of some of the fabulous guests we've to coming up.
Friday 4th September 2020
Episode 10: With Morris Bright MBE & Paul A Mendelson
The season finale one with magic tricks and Jewish ghosts!
Friday 28th August 2020
Episode 9: With Adam Morley & Estee Stimler
The one with Ivanka's cooking lesson and Tottenham Hotspur!
Friday 21st August 2020
Episode 8: With Antony Horowitz & Alice Fraser
The one with the Jackaroos and the individual birthday cakes!
Friday 14th August 2020
Episode 7: With Ben Van Der Velde & Juliet Meyers
The one with the dentist to the stars and the Ladybird Book of Jews!
Friday 7th August 2020
Episode 6: With Lynn Ruth Miller & Daniel Cainer
The one with the surprising celebrity encounters!
Friday 31st July 2020
Episode 5: With Sara Gibbs & Jay Foreman
The one with leaf blower man and the forbidden packages!
Friday 24th July 2020
Episode 4: With Esta Charkham & Gary Sinyor
The one with Mr David and Widow Applebaum's Bagel Academy!
Friday 17th July 2020
Episode 3: With Sooz Kempner & Joe Jester Jacobs
The one with sprout soup and uncomfortable living arrangements!
Friday 10th July 2020
Episode 2: With Steve Furst & Joe Bor
The one with the big sandwich and the intervention!
Friday 3rd July 2020
Episode 1: With Ivor Baddiel & Debbie Chazen
The one with Kung Fu Jew and Build a Bear!
Friday 26th June 2020
Trailer: Welcome to Jew Talkin' To Me?
An introduction to this new and exciting series with just a hint of some of the fabulous guests we've to coming up.